Neodimijevi magneti

  • One of the main advantages of neodymium magnets is their high magnetic strength. So večkrat močnejši od drugih magnetov podobne velikosti in teže, zaradi česar so idealni za aplikacije, kjer sta prostor in teža v premiji. Additionally, neodymium magnets have a high coercivity, which means they retain their magnetization even in high-temperature environments.

  • Neodimijevi magneti, znani tudi kot NDFEB magneti, so vrsta redkih zemeljskih magnetov, narejenih iz kombinacije neodimija, železa in bora (ND2FE14B). Ti magneti so neverjetno močni in so postali pomemben sestavni del sodobne tehnologije, vključno z električnimi motorji, zvočniki, pogoni na trdem disku in stroji za slikanje magnetne resonance (MRI).

  • NdFeB magnets are composed mainly of neodymium (Nd), iron (Fe), and boron (B). Izdelani so skozi prah metalurgije, kjer se surovine topijo, vržejo v ingote, zdrobljene v drobne delce in nato stisnete v želeno obliko. NdFeB magnets have a high energy density, which means they can store a large amount of magnetic energy in a small volume. Izkazujejo tudi odlične magnetne lastnosti, kot so visoka koercivnost (sposobnost upiranja demagnetizaciji), visoka remanenca (sposobnost zadrževanja magnetizacije po odstranitvi zunanjega magnetnega polja) in visoka gostota magnetnega toka (količina magnetnega toka na območje enote).

  • NdFeB magnets are essential components in modern technology. They exhibit excellent magnetic properties, which make them ideal for various applications. They have revolutionized the design of electric motors, speakers, and computer hard drives. NdFeB magnets have helped in the development of various industries, like energy, medical, and consumer electronics. Kljub njihovim pomanjkljivostim so NDFEB magneti še vedno najbolj priljubljena vrsta stalnega magneta zaradi visoke magnetne trdnosti in širokega razpona uporabe.

  • NdFeB magnets have several advantages, such as their high magnetic strength, durability, and wide range of usage. They are also cost-effective and easily available. Vendar imajo NDFEB magneti nekaj pomanjkljivosti, kot so njihova nizka odpornost proti koroziji, krhti in visoki občutljivosti na temperaturne spremembe. Careful handling and storage are required to prevent damage to the magnets.

  • Neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) magnets are a type of rare earth magnets that are widely used in modern technology. Najprej so bili razviti v osemdesetih letih in so postali najbolj priljubljena vrsta stalnega magneta zaradi visoke magnetne trdnosti, trajnosti in širokega razpona uporabe. NdFeB magnets are commonly used in various applications, such as motors, generators, and magnetic bearings.



  • As the third generation of rare earth permanent magnet, Neodymium magnets are the most powerful commercially produced magnets. Neodimijev lok magnet, znan tudi kot neodimijev ukrivljeni magnet, je edinstvena oblika neodimijevega magneta, nato pa se skoraj ves neodimijski ločni magnet uporablja tako za rotor kot za stator v motorjev, ki so v trajnih magnetnih (PM), generatorji ali magnetni sklopki.

  •      Oersteds), which is the highest value for any magnet material. To  

  • Neodymium magnets are graded according to the material from which they are made. The higher the rating (the number after the “N”), the stronger the magnet and the higher the value. The highest grade of neodymium magnets currently available is N54. Any letters after the rating refer to the maximum temperature rating of the magnet Neodyn. If there is no letter after the grade, the standard temperature of the magnet is 80 °C. Temperaturne ocene so standardna temperatura (brez črke), ki ji sledi - M (100 ° C) - H (120 ° C) - SH (150 ° C) - UH (180 ° C) - EH (200 ° C) - AH (220 ° C) C) ° C) na primer, če je delovna temperatura 100 stopinj, ki jih je treba izbrati HEAR, in je treba izbrati H., in temperaturo je treba izbrati HEAR in se morate temperaturi za uporabo HEARSORSKA.